Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Blog #2

I received traditional writing instruction throughout my education.  When I first learned to write, my teachers taught me how to form letters.  I remember having paper with a capital letter on the top line and a lowercase letter right next to the capital letter.  We then would have to practice writing that letter for the rest of the paper.  The papers that I wrote as a child were graded on “conventions in handwriting, spelling, punctuation, and organization” (30).  To learn spelling words, we were given a typed list of words that we took home to memorize for a test at the end of the week.  When we wrote papers, the teacher read over them and corrected them.  The exchanging of papers with other students began in high school.  All of these instructional methods fit into traditional writing instruction.

1 comment:

  1. Jenny,
    I'm surprised that you "younger" teachers were taught in the traditional manner. Hmmm...have we made the shift or are we still teaching traditionally. Maybe it is more of a combination of both? Thanks for posting!
